Waiver of notice Waiver of rights of young person Want of proof of order in council Warrant of committal Warrant to committal Warrant or arrest suspension of running of conditional sentence order Warrant of committal Warrant effective throughout Canada Warrant where witness bound by recognizance Warrant when witness does not attend Warrant for absconding witness Warrant effective in a province Warrant effective throughout Canada Warrant in Form 17 Warrant of committal Warrant of committal Warrant of seizure Warrant of seizure Warrant of committal Warrant to enter dwelling-house Warrant of judge for arrest Warrant for committal Warrant for detention Warrant in default of appearance Warrants to obtain blood samples Warrant to Search Warrant of Seizure Warrant of Seizure Weapons Trafficking What determines identity What may be ordered What counts may be included and who may prefer indictment Nunavut What counts may be included and who may prefer indictment What is provocation Where subsection (1) does not apply Where subsection (1) does not apply When certain orders not to be made When management order ceases to have effect When obligation begins When obligation ends When appeal court is Court of Appeal of Nunavut Where fear of serious personal injury offence When both parties appear Where fear of sexual offence Where injury or damage feared Where no fine imposed Where writ granted Where conviction or order not reviewable When proof unnecessary Where accused may be tried and punished Where continued detention no longer required When accused ordered to stand trial Where warrant not necessary When collection to take place When collection to take place When collection to take place When accused not present Where accused ordered to stand trial When disability ceases Where determination to reduce number of years Where court unable to act Where no hearing requested or ordered Where previously tried outside Canada Where application made Where proceedings instituted When management order ceases to have effect When counterfeit complete Where accused may be tried and punished Where court unable to act Where person convicted of offence Where person bound by probation order convicted of offence When fine imposed When time begins to run Where hearing ex parte When forgery complete Wherever forged When alternative measures may be used Where appeal allowed against verdict of unfit to stand trial Where application for leave to appeal refused by judge Where justice to release accused Where court imposes a sentence Where prima facie case not made Where continued detention in custody When assessment completed Where court may order assessment When order takes effect When truth a defence Where adjudication is made Where trial continued Where no belief in validity of custody order When court orders presence of accused Where there are joint trials Where there are joint trials Where there are multiple counts Where more than one sense alleged When Attorney General does not stay proceedings When direct indictment preferred Where subject-matter is a testamentary instrument or exceeds 5000 in value Where accused ordered to stand trial When no request for preliminary inquiry Where justice to order that accused be released When direct indictment is preferred charging same offence Where new information charging same offence Where consent required Where belief in consent not a defence Where no consent obtained When child becomes human being When declaration or direction may be made Where extension to be granted Where extension to be granted Where authorization not to be given Where extension not granted Where extension to be granted When Order Takes Effect When Belief in Consent not a Defence When no Consent Obtained Where no Finding or Application Where Hearing May Proceed Ex Parte When Order can be Made Where Hearing May Proceed Ex Parte When Person to be Taken Before Judge When management order ceases to have effect When not protected When protected Where one party cannot be convicted Where previously tried outside Canada Who may dispose of forfeited property Who collects samples Who may issue Who shall attend Who shall be the jury Who May Institute Prosecutions Wilfully causing event to occur Wild living creature Wilful promotion of hatred Witness not to be a support person Withdrawal of consent Witness to appear and remain Withholding or destroying documents Witness refusing to be bound Witness refusing to be examined Witnesses for accused Witness Giving Contradictory Evidence Woman procuring her own miscarriage Written reasons Written notice interception in accordance with section 184.4 Written notification to be given Written notification to be given