section 424


Threatening to commit a specified offense against an international protected person is punishable by up to five years imprisonment.


424 Every one who threatens to commit an offence under section 235, 236, 266, 267, 268, 269, 269.1, 271, 272, 273, 279 or 279.1 against an internationally protected person or who threatens to commit an offence under section 431 is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years.


Section 424 of the Canadian Criminal Code is a provision that specifically targets individuals who threaten to commit certain offenses against internationally protected persons. These persons typically hold high-ranking positions in international organizations, governments, or diplomatic missions, and as such, enjoy a certain level of protection under international law. The offenses that are captured under Section 424 are serious acts of violence or harassment, such as assault, sexual assault, kidnapping, or extortion. By threatening to commit one of these offenses, an individual can cause significant harm to the person and their organization, and potentially disrupt international relations in a major way. The Canadian government takes the protection of internationally protected persons very seriously, and as such, Section 424 imposes serious penalties on those who attempt to harm them. If an individual is found guilty of making such threats, they can face up to five years in prison, which is a significant deterrent against such behavior. Overall, Section 424 serves as an important provision in the Criminal Code of Canada, as it helps to ensure the safety and security of individuals who play a crucial role in international relations. By creating a strong legal barrier against threats of violence and harassment, Canada is able to maintain its reputation as a respectful and responsible member of the global community.


Section 424 of the Criminal Code of Canada serves as a crucial safeguard for internationally protected persons. The section imposes strict criminal liability on anyone who threatens to commit an offense against an official representative of a foreign state, including diplomats and consular officials. The aim of this provision is to deter potential offenders from harassing or threatening persons who enjoy diplomatic immunity, as their rights and privileges must be respected, and their safety must be guaranteed under international law. The offenses listed in Section 424 include a wide range of violent crimes, such as assault, sexual assault, threats, and harassment. The provision also includes the offense of mischief under Section 431, which is intentionally damaging or interfering with property, data or computer systems. This offense could disrupt the functioning of a foreign mission and, therefore, constitutes a severe security risk. Therefore, the provision serves to protect not only the life and well-being of diplomats but also the security and integrity of Canada's international relations. The maximum sentence of imprisonment for a term of up to five years signifies the seriousness of the offense. Additionally, the fact that the offense is indictable means that it is punishable by a more severe sentence than summary conviction offenses. It is important to note that criminal liability under this provision can be established without proof of actual harm to the protected person. The mere act of threatening is enough to trigger criminal liability, reflecting the gravity and sensitivity of the situation. The protection of internationally protected persons goes beyond Canada's domestic interest and legal obligations. As a responsible state, Canada has an obligation under international law to protect diplomats and consular officials. Diplomats and consular officials are critical representatives of foreign states in Canada, and their protection and respect of their rights is a significant responsibility. Any threat or harm to them could have far-reaching consequences, including diplomatic tensions, diplomatic recalls, and, at worst, international conflicts. In this context, Section 424 of the Criminal Code of Canada plays a critical role in safeguarding Canada's international relations. In conclusion, Section 424 of the Criminal Code of Canada is a crucial provision that aims to protect internationally protected persons and maintain Canada's international relations. The maximum penalty of imprisonment for five years reflects the seriousness of the offense, and criminal liability can be established without proof of harm to the protected person. It is a clear signal that Canada takes its obligations under international law seriously and is committed to maintaining good diplomatic relations with other states.


Section 424 of the Criminal Code of Canada is aimed at protecting internationally protected persons, diplomats and their families who are residing or on a mission in Canada. The section prohibits threatening or planning to commit certain offences against these persons, including sexual assault, kidnapping, or even murder. The section is designed to safeguard Canada's international reputation and political relationships, as well as to promote safety for diplomats who reside in Canada. When dealing with section 424, there are several strategic considerations that lawyers and law enforcement agents should keep in mind. One of the most important is understanding the definition of an internationally protected person. This includes diplomats, representatives of international organizations and foreign government officials, among others. It is also important to note that this section applies both to threats made in person as well as those made over the telephone or online. Another strategic consideration when dealing with section 424 is ensuring that an accused person's Charter rights are protected. In particular, the right to a fair trial, which includes the presumption of innocence and the right to mount a defense. This may require the use of measures such as expert witnesses, witnesses, and forensic evidence to rebut any allegations of wrongdoing. In addition to a strong defense, another strategy that could be employed is negotiating with the prosecution for a plea bargain. This could help an accused person to avoid a lengthy trial and limit the potential penalties they face if found guilty. A plea bargain may involve a guilty plea to a lesser offense, or agreeing to a reduced sentence. Another possible strategy is to argue that the accused person did not have the intention or the ability to carry out the threat. For example, if the threat was made in jest or if there was no real capability to carry out the intended offence. This could be made by showing evidence that the accused person was mentally incapable, or by revealing any other extenuating circumstances that may have led to the threat. Whichever strategy is chosen, it is essential to pursue a strong defense. For example, seeking out a lawyer who has experience handling cases involving section 424 or similar offenses, such as threats to public officials. As with any legal proceeding, thorough preparation and attention to detail must be exercised to ensure the best possible outcome. It is essential to work closely with an experienced legal team that understands the nuances of this area of the law, and can offer sound advice and effective representation in court proceedings. In conclusion, section 424 of the Criminal Code of Canada is an essential measure for protecting the safety and security of internationally protected persons residing or working in Canada. However, when dealing with cases involving this section of the Code, it is essential to work closely with a seasoned legal team that can help to navigate the complexities of the legal system and ensure that the accused person receives a fair trial with all their rights protected. Employing strategies such as plea bargaining or arguing a lack of capability or intent can also be useful in mitigating the potential consequences that an accused person faces.