section 493


Section 493 defines summons as a specific type of legal order issued by a justice or judge.


493 In this Part, "summons" means a summons in Form 6 issued by a justice or judge.


Section 493 of the Criminal Code of Canada provides a definition of summonses in the context of Part XXVII of the Code. Part XXVII deals with the general procedures for charging individuals with criminal offences and bringing them to trial. The term "summons" is defined in this section as a specific type of legal document that is issued by a justice or judge in a specific form, which is Form 6. A summons is a legal document that is used to compel an individual to appear before a court or tribunal. It is typically issued when someone is suspected of committing a criminal offence but has not yet been arrested or charged. The purpose of a summons is to notify the individual that they must appear before a court or tribunal to answer to the charges against them. Summons is an important legal tool for the criminal justice system because it allows the authorities to proceed with a criminal case even if they do not have the immediate ability to arrest an individual. This can be useful in cases where the suspect is not considered an immediate threat to public safety or is not likely to flee before their trial. It can also be used to compel the appearance of witnesses or other individuals who may have relevant information for the case. In conclusion, section 493 provides an important definition of summons in the context of Part XXVII of the Criminal Code of Canada. This legal tool plays a vital role in the criminal justice system by enabling the authorities to proceed with criminal cases even in situations where they cannot immediately arrest a suspect.


Section 493 of the Criminal Code of Canada is a provision of great importance for Canada's justice system as it defines the term "summons" in the context of criminal proceedings. Essentially, the provision outlines the legal requirements for what is considered a valid summons in Canadian law. This can be beneficial for both defendants and plaintiffs, as it helps to ensure that proper and fair procedures are followed in all criminal cases. The form of summons described in Section 493 is a crucial element of the Canadian legal system. The purpose of a summons is to require an individual to appear in court, either as a witness or as a defendant, depending on the nature of the case. As such, a summons serves as an official notice to the person receiving it that they must attend court proceedings. For a summons to be considered valid under Canadian law, it must be issued in the specific form provided by the Criminal Code. This is intended to ensure that all summonses are uniform in nature and are issued according to consistent standards. Additionally, only a justice or judge is authorized to issue a summons, further ensuring that summonses are only issued in appropriate circumstances and are not used in an abusive or arbitrary manner. The specific form of summons also allows for important information to be included, such as the date, time, and location of the court appearance, as well as details about the specific allegations being made against the individual. This information is essential to ensure that individuals who are summoned have a clear understanding of what they are being called to court for and can prepare accordingly. Overall, Section 493 plays a significant role in the protection of the rights of individuals involved in criminal proceedings in Canada. By providing clear legal standards for the issuance of summons, the provision helps toensure that summonses are not issued arbitrarily or without due process. This enhances the integrity and fairness of Canada's justice system, and allows for the proper administration of justice in all criminal cases.


Section 493 of the Criminal Code of Canada outlines the definition of a summons in the context of criminal proceedings. It is important for legal professionals to understand the strategic considerations and potential strategies for dealing with this section of the Code. Firstly, it is important to recognize the role of a summons in criminal proceedings. A summons is a document issued by a justice or judge requiring an individual to appear in court to answer to a criminal charge. This means that the individual is not in custody and has not been arrested. This distinction can be important when considering the strategy for how to deal with the charge. One strategy that can be employed is to challenge the validity of the summons. This can be done by arguing that the summons was not properly issued or that there are defects in the form or content of the summons. If successful, this strategy could result in the dismissal of the charge and avoid the need for a trial. Another strategy that can be employed is to negotiate a plea deal before the trial. This can involve negotiating with the Crown attorney to have the charges reduced or dropped in exchange for a guilty plea. This strategy can be particularly effective if the evidence against the accused is strong and a conviction is likely. In cases where the evidence is not strong, it may be possible to challenge the evidence through a motion to exclude evidence or to have the charges stayed. This strategy can be effective if there are issues with the way the evidence was obtained or if there are other procedural issues with the case. It is also important to consider the timing of the trial. In some cases, it may be advantageous to delay the trial in order to gather more evidence or to better prepare the defense. However, delaying the trial may also have negative consequences, such as increasing the risk of witnesses becoming unavailable or the accused being held in custody for a longer period of time. Ultimately, the strategy for dealing with a summons will depend on the specific circumstances of the case, including the nature of the charges, the strength of the evidence, and the goals of the accused. It is important for legal professionals to carefully consider these factors when developing a defense strategy and to stay up to date with any changes to the Criminal Code or case law.