Criminal Code of Canada - section 57(4) - Special provisions applicable

section 57(4)


Location of passport forgery is not relevant and other sections on false documents may apply as necessary.


57(4) For the purposes of proceedings under this section, (a) the place where a passport was forged is not material; and (b) the definition "false document" in section 321, and section 366, apply with such modifications as the circumstances require.


Section 57(4) of the Criminal Code of Canada is a provision that deals with prosecutions related to the forging and use of false passports. It specifies that in such cases, the location where a passport was forged is not a relevant factor in determining the guilt of the accused. This means that even if a passport was forged in another jurisdiction or country, an individual can still be charged and convicted in Canada if they are found in possession of a false passport or are caught using it to deceive authorities. Furthermore, the provision also makes reference to other sections of the Criminal Code of Canada that deal with false documents. Specifically, it states that the definition of "false document" provided in section 321 and the offence of "uttering forged document" under section 366 may apply to cases where false passports are involved, with any necessary modifications based on the circumstances. In practical terms, this means that a person who forges or uses a fake passport could be charged with offences related to both false documents and passport offences. The provision also underscores the seriousness with which Canadian law enforcement approaches crimes related to fraudulent or falsified passports, which are often used in organized crime, human trafficking, and terrorist activities. Overall, Section 57(4) of the Criminal Code of Canada serves to strengthen the legal framework around passport forgeries and to deter individuals from engaging in such activities.


Section 57(4) of the Criminal Code of Canada is an important provision that pertains specifically to the penalties and implications of forgery and the use of false documents. This section provides guidance as to how the law will be applied in situations where a person is faced with charges related to the use or possession of false documents, such as passports. The section notes that the place where a passport was forged is not material for the purposes of proceedings under this section. This means that it does not matter where the fraudulent document was created, as their mere possession or use is enough to raise suspicions and lead to legal action. This stipulation emphasizes the seriousness with which the law views forgery and the use of fake documents that can be used to deceive others and engage in illegal activities. Moreover, the section also brings to light the definition of false document" as outlined in section 321, as well as section 366 of the Criminal Code of Canada, which apply with modifications as needed to address the contextual circumstances of the case at hand. This highlights the need to ensure that a document is reliable and authentic when presented, while also acknowledging that modification may be necessary in specific circumstances. In essence, the use or possession of false documents such as passports is a serious offense in Canada and carries heavy penalties, including imprisonment. Anyone found guilty of such offenses can expect to face legal action, and as such, it is imperative to take care to ensure that any documents presented are genuine and accurate. Section 57(4) of the Criminal Code of Canada serves as a reminder of this, as well as the need for a clear definition of what constitutes a fake, forged or false document. The implications of possessing or using fake documents such as passports cannot be overstated. Beyond the immediate legal consequences, there is also the potential for damage to a person's reputation, future prospects, and overall well-being. For example, if someone is caught using a false passport, it will cause difficulties in their travel and could even lead to being deported. Therefore, this section of the law must be taken seriously and respected to prevent any unpleasant situations. In conclusion, Section 57(4) of the Criminal Code of Canada provides specific guidance on the consequences of forgery and the use of false documents, in particular, passports. It highlights the seriousness of these offenses, the need to ensure document reliability, and the modifications that may be made depending on the context of the case. It is important to recognize the legal implications of possessing or using fake documents such as passports and avoid such acts to prevent damaging consequences.


Section 57(4) of the Criminal Code of Canada deals with the offence of using a forged passport. This is a serious criminal offence that can result in severe penalties, including imprisonment and substantial fines. The section explicitly states that the place where the passport was forged is not important when it comes to proceedings under this section. Additionally, it clarifies that other sections of the Criminal Code, such as the definition of a false document in section 321 and section 366, apply to these proceedings with certain modifications as required by the circumstances. When dealing with section 57(4), there are several strategic considerations that need to be kept in mind. One of the first considerations is the need to obtain competent legal representation. A criminal defence lawyer who has experience dealing with these types of cases will be best equipped to navigate the legal landscape and provide the accused with the best possible defence. The next consideration is to evaluate the evidence against the accused. The prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused used a forged passport. The defence lawyer must examine the evidence to determine if there are any weaknesses or inconsistencies in the prosecutor's case. If there is evidence to support a defence, such as challenging the authenticity of the passport or raising reasonable doubt, the lawyer can use that as a strategic advantage. Another potential strategy is to negotiate a plea bargain with the prosecution. This can be beneficial if the evidence against the accused is overwhelming or if there are other strategic considerations at play. In some cases, a plea bargain can result in reduced penalties or even the withdrawal of charges. It is also essential to consider the potential penalties if convicted. The penalties for using a forged passport can be severe, including fines and imprisonment. A defence lawyer should carefully evaluate the potential sanctions and advise the accused of their rights and options. Additionally, the accused should not make any statements to the police or prosecution without the advice of their lawyer. Anything the accused says can be used as evidence against them, so it is crucial to have a competent legal representative present during any police interviews or questioning. In conclusion, when dealing with section 57(4) of the Criminal Code of Canada, it is essential to have competent legal representation, evaluate the evidence, negotiate a plea bargain if possible, consider the potential penalties, and avoid making any statements without the advice of a lawyer. By following these strategic considerations, the accused can have the best possible chance of a favourable outcome.