section 672.52(3)


The court or Review Board must provide reasons for their decision and provide every party with a copy of the decision and reasons.


672.52(3) The court or Review Board shall state its reasons for making a disposition in the record of the proceedings, and shall provide every party with a copy of the disposition and those reasons.


Section 672.52(3) of the Criminal Code of Canada requires the court or Review Board to provide detailed reasons for its decision in the record of the proceedings and to provide a copy of the disposition and those reasons to all parties involved in the case. This provision is essential for ensuring that the legal process is transparent and accountable. The provision requires the court or Review Board to provide a clear and detailed explanation of the facts, evidence, and legal principles that led to their decision. This requirement enables all parties involved in the case to understand why the decision was made and to appeal the decision if necessary. Additionally, it promotes greater consistency and coherence in the legal process, as judges and Review Boards are required to provide detailed reasons for their decisions. Furthermore, this provision demonstrates the importance of ensuring that all parties involved receive equal access to information and due process. Receiving a copy of the disposition and the reasoning behind it helps to establish trust in the legal process and ensures that the parties involved have the opportunity to review the decision and potentially challenge it. Overall, the requirement to provide detailed reasons for a disposition is a critical aspect of the Canadian criminal justice system. It promotes transparency, accountability, and consistency in the legal process, ensures that all parties involved have access to information, and helps to establish greater trust and confidence in the legal system.


Section 672.52(3) of the Criminal Code of Canada requires the court or the Review Board to provide reasons for the disposition made in a criminal proceeding and to share a copy of the disposition and the reasons with all parties involved. This provision is integral to promoting transparency and accountability in the criminal justice system in Canada. The provision serves several purposes, including ensuring that the parties are informed about the decision reached by the court or Review Board, and why it was made. This allows parties to understand the underlying rationale and legal principles that informed the decision-making process. Additionally, it facilitates the opportunity for parties to appeal the decision if they believe it was not based on legal reasoning, or if there are grounds for appeal. The section also ensures that there is consistency in decision-making by courts and Review Boards. Providing reasons for decisions ensures that the same legal principles and considerations are applied consistently from case to case. This consistency promotes a fair justice system, where all parties are treated equally, regardless of their individual circumstances. Furthermore, the provision is essential for promoting accountability. If a court or Review Board fails to provide reasons for its decision, there is no way to hold them accountable for their actions. The reasons provide a means for evaluating the decision and ensuring that it meets the legal standards required. However, there are limitations to this provision. Firstly, the reasons must be provided in a timely manner to be effective. The longer the delay in providing reasons, the harder it becomes to appeal the decision, especially if the appeal is time-sensitive. Additionally, the reasons must be sufficiently detailed to allow for meaningful review. Vague or inadequate reasons can prevent parties from understanding the decision-making process, hindering their ability to appeal. In conclusion, section 672.52(3) of the Criminal Code of Canada is an important provision that promotes transparency, consistency, and accountability in the criminal justice system. It ensures that parties are informed of the decision made and why it was made, facilitating a more just and fair system. However, care must be taken to ensure that the reasons are provided in a timely and detailed manner to enable meaningful review by all parties.


Section 672.52(3) of the Criminal Code of Canada is an essential provision that mandates the court or Review Board to state their reasons for making a disposition in the record of the proceedings and provide every party with a copy of the decision and those reasons. This provision is crucial as it promotes transparency, accountability, and fairness in the justice system. When dealing with this section of the Criminal Code of Canada, several strategic considerations are crucial. One of the strategic considerations is complying with the provisions of the Criminal Code. Failure to comply with this section could result in the decision being challenged and deemed invalid on the grounds of procedural fairness. Therefore, parties involved in the proceedings must ensure that they adhere to the provisions of this section when making a disposition and providing copies of the decision and the reasons for the decision. Another strategic consideration when dealing with this section is the quality and clarity of the reasons provided. The reasons provided must be clear, concise, and comprehensible to ensure that the parties understand the basis of the decision. Additionally, the reasons should be free from errors, ambiguous language or reasoning, or omissions that may reflect bias or prejudice. This will prevent the decision from being challenged on appeal or review. Another strategic consideration is timing. Parties should ensure that the reasons and decision are provided promptly and within the stipulated timeframe. Delay in providing the reasons and decision can result in challenges on the grounds of unreasonable delay, which could have significant consequences on the parties involved. Strategies that could be employed to deal with this section effectively include investing in a well-trained and competent legal team to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Criminal Code. Additionally, parties could use legal technology tools such as case management software to streamline the process of providing the decision and reasons efficiently. Parties involved in the proceedings could communicate with each other to reach an agreement on the content of the disposition and reasons to ensure clarity and avoid ambiguity. In conclusion, Section 672.52(3) of the Criminal Code of Canada is crucial in promoting transparency and fairness in the justice system. Parties involved in the proceedings must consider strategic factors such as compliance, quality, and timing when dealing with this section. Employing strategic strategies such as investing in a competent legal team, using legal technology tools, and communication can help parties navigate this section effectively. Adherence to these strategic considerations will ensure that the parties involved are in compliance with the provisions of the Criminal Code, and the decision received is transparent, fair, and just.